Summer Reading Kick Off: Gambling on Love by Nancy Fraser & Patti Shenberger

Today, I'm welcoming authors Nancy Fraser & Patti Shenberger who are here to discuss their new book Gambling on Love and tell us a little about writing with a partner. Check out the link at the bottom to learn how to win a prize by following them on their blog tour. Welcome Ladies! Tell us a little about your new book, Gambling on Love, Book One of the McCade Legacy . Gambling on Love mixes a number of traditional tropes (e.g., forced marriage, opposites attract) with a modern assumption that the woman in the relationship isn’t some dutiful, simpering wife, but rather a feisty, sometimes naïve, bundle of energy and ambition. While the heroine comes from a wealthy family, she’s grounded in humanity. Our hero’s family is just as wealthy but have worked hard for their money and don’t use it as a bargaining chip to get what they want, as our heroine’s father does. When Jake’s and Felicity’s two distinct personalities clash, spark...