Guest Blogger: Author Sarah Hoss

Please enjoy today's interview with Sarah Hoss, author of Heaven Sent and Dreams of the Highlander. Comment on today's post and you will be entered to win a free copy of the book of your choice.
Hi, Sarah, Tell us a little about yourself and what you write. 
Hi! Well, I am married and I have 3 children. A daughter who is 16, and two sons ages 15 and 12. When I am not writing I work at Subway. I love the smell of fresh cut grass and burning leaves and I hate sea food and cherry flavored drinks.
Do you find any recurring theme or idea in your writing? 
Yah, The initials in everyone’s names. EX- book one has Marlana, Mairi, Margaret. I have Alexander Macpherson and Alan Michaels. Book two had the letters H and J going. Didn’t even notice until my CP pointed it out.
What do you consider the most important element of a story?  
Conflict. If you don’t create conflict then there is nothing for them to resolve. No point in trying to overcome anything to be able to move forward and grow.
Do you have a writing schedule or do you just write what you can when you can?
I write in the mornings. I don’t have to be at work until 11:30 and I try not to take up the evenings so I can be with my family.
Do you listen to music when you’re writing? 
I have, but normally I turn the T.V. on for noise.
Lately, I’ve heard other writers talk about creating inspiration boards consisting of things   that inspire them or represent different aspects of the book as they write it. Do you do this? If so, do you find it helpful? How so? 
I tried it but since I don’t have an office I just had this board sitting around in the family room so I quit using it. I do believe they can be very useful.
Everyone’s road to publication is different. Take us down yours. 
Hmmm… How to do this and not talk you to death. I have two books out. Heaven Sent is with The Wild Rose Press and Dreams of the Highlander is with Soul Mate Publishing.  I submitted to the two companies months apart, but was offered a contract from each publishing company within a week of each other. This is my anniversary month. It’s been one year.
Are you working on anything right now or do you have anything new coming out soon? 
Dreams of the Highlander’s hero is Alexander and he has two brothers. Each brother has his own book, so I am writing their stories.
Do you have any advice for other writers? 
Be patient. In this industry, it’s a waiting game. Waiting on word about a possible contract, waiting on editors, editors waiting on you, etc. Everything happens in its own time. But, it will happen.
Most writers are avid readers, too. What do you enjoy reading? 
When I read, I like to read historicals or regencies.
When the work day is done, what is your favorite way to relax?
Once the moment comes that kids don’t need anything, I love to curl up in bed, snuggle with the husband and watch T.V. It’s very relaxing. We like to watch AMC when they do movies with Story Notes.
Thank you so much for having me here today! Thanks everyone for stopping by and visiting with me!

Sarah Hoss grew up believing she could try anything and if she set her mind to it, she would succeed. Sixteen years of dance lessons, Cheerleading, and school plays proved to her that her parent’s words rang true. Writing was no exception. Reading the Outlander series made her fall in love with time travels and the historical places books could take her. Always a child with a vivid imagination, she realized as an adult, she could put her imagination to good use and began writing. Marrying her very own hero, they live in Indiana in the town where she grew up. They have three beautiful children and one hyper dog. When Sarah isn’t writing, she enjoys gardening, camping, and watching her kids’ play sports.
Where to find Sarah-
Twitter- @SarahHoss1


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for stopping by and tweeting this. I appreciate it!

  2. Lovely interview, Sarah. I love to garden also.

  3. Great interview, ladies. I liked getting to know you better, Sarah, and I'm looking forward to Alexander's brothers stories. Best of luck. Barb Bettis

    1. I can't wait for you to meet them Barb! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. What a fabulous interview, ladies! Tweeted.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and tweeting this Collette!

  5. Great interview. Yes gardening and watching movies is a great way to unwind. Story ideas even appear during those times.

    1. I agree about the best time to get ideas! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I write in the morning, also - I think it's easier to hear voices then. Grin. Movies and gardening - you betcha. But as Nick Hornby said, "Books, you must admit, are better than anything."

    All best wishes to you for many sales and lots of fun writing!

    1. Thank you for the best wishes! Have a great day and good luck!

  7. Great interview, Sarah. I know what you mean about watching movies. it's one of my favorite pastimes, too.
    Catherine Castle

    1. Thanks for coming here today Catherine! I appreciate it!

  8. Thank you to everyone who stopped by today and to Sarah for a wonderful interview. I will be giving away a free copy of Sweet Sacrifices once I reach 25 followers, so if you'd like to follow, please do.

  9. Nice interview, Sarah. I love Highlanders and will share your book!

  10. Great interview, Sarah - your book sounds interesting! I like how you go after your dreams - it doesn't sound like you let anything get in your way. All the best!

  11. The winner, randomly chosen from a toy cup by my one-year-old grandson, is cdhersh. Please let us know which one of Sarah's books you would like and where we can contact you. You can email me at

    Thanks again, everyone!

  12. Congratulations cdhersh! Can't wait to hear from you.

    Thanks again for having me here, Gloria! I had a great time!


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