Characters: The Driving Force Behind Every Good Book
Ask writers what the most important element of any story is and you'll get a number of answers. Plot, characters, setting, conflict. There is no right or wrong answer, of course. These elements must all work together to form a story that draws the reader in and keeps them there until the final word. Ask readers what the number one reason they cast a book aside uncompleted is and they will give you some variance of "I just didn't care what happened." This might point to boredom with the plot, the setting or the conflict, but I think it just may point to characters as the thing that makes or breaks a book the quickest. As a reader and a writer, I find that characters are what keeps me engrossed in a book or makes me throw it down. A book can start in the most interesting, exciting way, with a scene that hooks me from the first word, but if I don't like the main characters or don't care enough about them, it won't matter. With the right characters, a wa...