Spotlight on Author J.C. McKenzie and Shift Happens

I think I've said this before, and you may have already realized it, but I'll say it again: I'm the worst blogger in the universe. I'm terrible at keeping my blog up-to-date, and half the time, I forget I have guests on the calendar. That being said, I'd like to thank my guest today, J.C. McKenzie for putting up with my scattered brain and letting me spotlight her book, Shift Happens. So, without further ado, I'm turning the spotlight toward J.C. and Shift Happens : ANDY SHOULD BE SOLVING A MYSTERY, BUT SHE’D RATHER PLAY WOLF. CAN SHE GET BOTH JOBS DONE? Trailer: Andrea McNeilly's job as a government agent is not asking questions, but then a routine assignment turns into a botched assassination of a Master Vampire's human servant. Answers become a priority. Her search to discover the truth is riddled with obs...