Big Easy Blog Tour

Better late than never, right? I hope so. It's my week to appear on the Big Easy Blog Tour, but with my scattered brain and Memorial Day combined, I missed posting on Monday. So I'm doing it today. Author Sharon Drane invited me to participate. Visit her blog to read her post for the tour and to see the beautiful cover of her upcoming release, Touch the Sky . Go backwards from there, and like a family tree, you can trace the roots of this tour as close to its beginnings as you'd like. Since the purpose of this tour is to discuss our writing process in the hopes of helping other aspiring writers, I was instructed to answer four questions as part of this tour. Here they are, along with my answers . 1) What am I working on? I just finished the first round of edits on Broken Ties , which will be released just in time for Christmas this year. I'm also working on edits for the re-release of my first book, Flowers for Megan . It shoul...